Hire from a pool of Software Developers
Traditional recruiting is broken. Hire senior pre-vetted developer talent for your business needs.
Hire Developers or Developer Teams from Around the World
Use our custom suite of tools to attract, recruit, and hire developers to augment your Teams. Evaluate candidates directly on Showwcase with their developer profiles.
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Use our Candidate Tracking features to triage incoming potentials and reach out to them using the In-App messenger.
Get Started →Hire Pre-Vetted Elite Developer Talent
Let us find you the right developer for your needs in just a few days.
Elite Developers
Access the Showwcase Elite Collective and hire from the top 3% of our developer network
Hire a pre-vetted pool of front-end, back-end, and more developers who specialists in their own tech stacks.
Developers have at least 3+ years experience, speak fluently, and have industry knowledge
JavaScript Senior
React Mid-level
Java Senior
HTML5 Junior
Python Senior
Go Mid-level
Machine Learning
TensorFlow Senior
scikit-learn Mid-level
NoSQL Database
Amazon DynamoDB Senior
PostgreSQL Senior
MongoDB Mid-level
Rigorous Vetting
Skill assessments and Live 1-1 interviews. We test for 50+ skills in software development, project collaboration, and communication.
We test for their technical ability so you can focus on sharing your vision and how you’d like to work.
Get started, fast
We handle payments, contracts, and guarantee replacements
Our flexible commitment model lets you get up and running with our developers quickly with minimal risk
Our ELITE Talent Collective have worked at globally recognised brands
How to hire Elite developers with Showwcase?
Tell us your requirements
We’ll sit down over a call to understand your needs
Match applicants
Get a list of of top developers within a few days
Schedule interview
Our developers are already pre-vetted so you can share your vision and how you’d like to work when you meet
Start building together
We take care of everything, you just start working with your selected developer
Leverage our fully managed tech services
We partner with leading companies to ideate, develop, and scale their businesses. We build a dedicated team for you according to your requirements and stay with you from start to finish.
Over 80 years
Leverage our technical experience and knowledge to bring your ideas to life. Focus on your vision while we take care of everything else.
TikTok | Credit Karma | Showwcase | Apple | Amazon | Grab | Microsoft | Dell | Google |
Ideate. Develop. Scale.
We’ve worked on projects of all sizes. From startups to large companies. Seeding an idea to taking over entire projects.
Fintech | Marketplaces | Social networks | Subscription services | Crypto | Media | Property | Saas
Fully Managed Services
The best way to work with Showwcase. We work with you as if we were part of your company.
Shared workspace for us to collaborate
1-2 workshops per week to get the entire team on the same page
Unlimited async ticket requests
Full service design, product, and development team at your service
Industry leading stack: Slack, Loom, Notion, Figma, Github
Project Timelines
Go-to-market MVP
3-4 months
Ideate, design, develop, and ship a new product MVP. Highly dependent on project size and scope. Get in touch to get a more accurate timeline.
Extension of your system
1-2 months
Already have an internal system and want to extend its functionality? We can get onboarded and start building it out, fast.
Infrastructure support and scaling
4-6 months
CICD, monitoring, networking, logging, auth, baseline scaling, configuration management, auto-scaling.
Product rebuild and feature upgrades
9-12 months
Revamp your tech stack and enhance your feature set before you go-to market ready to scale.
Start Hiring with Showwcase
Showwcase is a professional network built for coders to connect, build community, and find new opportunities.
Showwcase is a professional tech network with over 140K users from over 150 countries. We assist tech professionals in showcasing their unique skills through dedicated profiles and connect them with top global companies for career opportunities.